Semalam telah berlangsung Premiere With Budiey di GSC Mid Valley di mana sebanyak 100 orang Budieyators telah menonton filem seram dari Jepun ini. Ramai yang teruja tak kurang ramai yang menganggap filem ini tidak mencapai piawaian. Namun, bagi Budiey filem ini ada kelainannya tersendiri.
Jom kita ikuti apa kata penonton tentang filem ini:
Ulasan dari Zhamell:
Movie screening from – Sara, pelakon wanita yang sendu. Nak watak besar tapi tak berapa nak cantik. Maka dia cuba lah nasib dengan pergi audition teater “The Whimper of Fresh Blood”. Bertarik rambut juga lah dengan pelakon sensasi, Aoi untuk watak utama sebagai Elisabeth dalam pementasan ittew.
Watak dalam pementasan tu mengisarkan Elisabeth yang mempunyai sisi gelap nan hitam lagi jahat jahanam yang digambarkan melalui manifestasi sebuah patung.
Dan patung ini sebenarnya, dahagakan darah anak dara sunti. Macam Sara. Dia akan pukau dengan pesona nya,
“Gimme.. gimme..”
Tak berapa nak seram. Tapi best tengok sejuk-sejuk lepas hujan.
Level seram: â
Level cerita: â
Ulasan dari Fadzul Sitizoners:
Ini dia ulasan saya tentang filem GHOST THEATER… Kisah sebuah patung puaka yang mengisap roh anak dara muda yg mempunyai semngat tinggi.
Boleh dikatakan seram tu ada jugak lah… Jalan citer agak sederhana… Lakonan semuanya hebat dan jalan citer kurang paham… So apa 2 pon Saya kasi 3/5****.
Ulasan dari AJ Razak:
Good day all and it sure is raining cats and dogs this part of Kuala Lumpur. This is my take of the Japanese movie GHOST THEATER helmed by Budiey Isma on Tuesday 1 December 2015.
For one to appreciate Japanese movies you have to understand their lifestyle, politeness even when they are angry and especially cute mannerisms of the women folk. It may look strange but that is what they are in real life. We cannot help but frowned in the darkness of the cineplex when dialogues were exchanged that sounded strange to the viewers were given comical remarks. Well…..
The plot of this horror genre takes you back 20 years ago where a loving father lost his daughter in a flood filled landslide. The decomposed body was recovered few weeks later and he created a life size beautiful manequin so that the daughter can be buried as a beautiful woman. The manequin came to life and all hell broke lose. Spirit of the living were sucked into the manequin to keep her young. Fast forward 20 years later the spirit lives again.
RECOMMENDED FOR GENERAL VIEWING … extremely horror scenes nor the appearance of gory ghosts. Simple plot and a sneak into the lifestyle of the Japanese is an added bonus.
Ulasan dari Kamal Rezuan:
Di ‪#‎PremiereWithBudiey‬ semalam,abg tgk citer ni.. ‪#‎GhostTheater‬ hasil nukilan oleh pengarah drp filem ‪#‎TheRing‬ dan ‪#‎DarkWater‬ iaitu sedagher Hideo Nakata.
Mengisahkan seperti apa yg korang nampak pada poster dia.Melibatkan projek teater yang dihantui benda alah patung ni.1st few second,was a good approach..makin lama,makin kelaut plak…anyway,seram tak seram sgt,mcm cerita2 sedagher sebelumni.Tapi melalui pengalaman,abg pnh shoot dgn pengarah dari Jepun utk sebuah projek Commercial,perangai dorang mmg camtu,sopan ngalahkan org kita..pretty good approach thou.Which is fun to work with.
Yang lebih2 pasal cerita ni,hmm…korang kena tgk sendirilah..Penggemar cerita seram,mesti setuju dgn abg kalau abg bg
2 out of 5 stars utk filem ni.