However, it was hugely successful, thanks to the 25 ladies of various ages and backgrounds who took part in this beneficial workshop, and all sponsors who collaborated with Mrs Priyaa for this event. The venue sponsor, Bunglow 37, located in Bangsar did a marvelous job accommodaHng the event, providing a comfortable space which created a home-like atmosphere for the ladies, while adhering to the SOPs.
The workshop began with an introductory talk from Mrs Priyaa herself, followed by a chair dance rouHne by Ms Riri from Valora Chair, as an ice- breaking session for the aWendees.
The event then conHnued with a basic make up course provided by Mrs Priyaa, who demonstrated a simple-everyday- makeup look for the ladies. Mrs Vatsala Nair then took over by providing a construcHve-thinking one hour game and talk session for the ladies, which focused on building confidence in women and fighHng against domesHc violence.
The workshop was concluded by Mr Linkeshwar, who educated the ladies on financial management post MCO, and introduced them to budget planning and building their own brands, in line with Mrs Priyaa’s advocacy, financial independence especially for women.
Mrs Priyaa dedicated this enHre event to the growth of the women of her society. She handpicked the aWendees herself, by making them write to her on why they are best fit to aWend this free workshop, hence, choosing the ladies who seemed to be the most in need of these knowledge and exposure.
Mrs Priyaa also opened collaboraHon opportuniHes for small businesses run by women, to provide their sample products to be distributed to the aWendees and promoHng their businesses on her personal social media accounts. The aWendees were also provided free t-shirts, from Simmero Sdn Bhd’s women empowerment line, established by Mrs Priyaa.
Mrs Priyaa hopes to organize more free workshops for her ladies in future, as she pledges to make the best of the Htle she has earned, for the benefit of women’s growth.
In accordance with her upcoming business ventures and her stand for a zero-waste lifestyle, Mrs Priyaa can be expected to be seen creaHng and spreading more awareness on the importance of being financially-free while living a lifestyle which will benefit the individual and the environment.