Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) terus mengukuhkan kedudukannya sebagai Peneraju Konvergens Negara apabila Syarikat hari ini secara rasminya melancarkan webe, membawakan era mobiliti serba baharu bagi Kumpulan TM. webe merupakan Pusat Kecemerlangan Mobiliti Kumpulan TM – memperluaskan lagi janjinya “Hidup dan Perniagaan Lebih Mudah†ke segmen mobiliti.
Majlis pelancaran webe telah disempurnakan oleh YB Senator Datuk Seri Dr. Salleh Said Keruak, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia dan Tan Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan, TM yang juga merupakan Pengerusi webe, bersama-sama Azizi A Hadi, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, webe.
Bercakap pada majlis perasmian tersebut, Tan Sri Zamzamzairani berkata,
“Pelancaran webe hari ini telah meneruskan janji Syarikat untuk menjadikan ‘Hidup dan Perniagaan Lebih Mudah’ dalam segmen mobiliti dan melengkapkan himpunan penawaran konvergens kami. Dengan webe, pelanggan kami akan dapat merasai pengalaman sambungan yang menyeluruh. Pada masa yang sama, kami mengambil kesempatan untuk mentakrifkan semula maksud sebenar perkhidmatan mobiliti dengan menjadikan pengalaman digital menyeluruh serba baharu satu realiti. Kami yakin bahawa untuk menjadi sebuah jenama digital sepenuhnya, sesebuah organisasi perlu bertindak seperti sebuah syarikat digital dan kami telahpun membuat pelaburan sewajarnya bagi menjadikan semua ini satu kenyataan. Kami menjadikan misi kami untuk membantu menghubungkan masyarakat dan semua yang kami lakukan akan memudahkan mereka untuk menikmati gaya hidup digital. Ini sentiasa menjadi visi Kumpulan TM sebagai Peneraju Konvergens Negara, “Menjadikan Hidup dan Perniagaan Lebih Mudah demi Kesejahteraan Malaysiaâ€.â€
Pelancaran webe ini merupakan kemuncak kepada perjalanan selama dua tahun untuk bekerjasama mewujudkan syarikat dan jenama yang mempunyai peranan lebih besar. Berpegang kepada falsafah “Start here. Go Anywhere†webe bermula dengan melancarkan platform untuk membantu masyarakat, webe community bersama-sama dengan pengenalan jenama baharu pada bulan April lalu. Pembekal perkhidmatan mobiliti digital ini mula melancarkan pelan perkhidmatan mobilitinya kepada pelanggan setia webe (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai P1) dan kepada pelanggan TM bermula 30 Jun. webe memperkenalkan satu pelan mudah dengan harga serendah RM79 sebulan untuk seberapa banyak panggilan, pesanan teks dan penggunaan data.
Bagi webe, mobiliti ditakrifkan sebagai lebih daripada sekadar pelan perkhidmatan; apa yang lebih penting adalah pengalaman pelanggan. Perkhidmatan ini bertujuan memberi ‘kebebasan’ kepada pelanggan melalui panggilan domestik, SMS dan data tanpa had tanpa sebarang kontrak dengan memfokus kepada kemudahan dan pengalaman pelanggan yang dipertingkatkan.
“Kami meletakkan diri kami sebagai pembekal perkhidmatan mobiliti digital kerana kami percaya mobiliti membawa maksud lebih daripada pakej data, kelajuan dan kawasan liputan. Kami merasakan bahawa ianya sesuatu yang terhad jika anda hanya mendefinisikan mobiliti sebagai rangkaian yang anda miliki – kerana sebenarnya ia lebih daripada itu. Ini adalah permulaan kepada liberasi data (data liberation). Pada era masa kini di mana kita merupakan pengguna tegar perkhidmatan mobiliti, kita tidak sepatutnya risau dengan had dan kuota data. Internet adalah sesuatu yang amat meluas penggunaannya dan kami inginkan seluruh masyarakat menikmati dan menggunakannya secara bebas tanpa sebarang kerisauan,” jelas Azizi A Hadi, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, webe.
“Inilah sebabnya mengapa kami memperkenalkan satu pelan mudah. Dengan harga serendah RM79 untuk semua data, panggilan dan SMS yang anda perlukan. Kami telah mula memperkenalkannya kepada pelanggan setia webe (sebelum ini P1) dan pelanggan TM, tetapi saya memberi jaminan, ini hanyalah suatu permulaan. Visi kami untuk mobiliti adalah memfokus kepada pengalaman pelanggan. Kami tidak mahu pelanggan kami terlalu risaukan “bila saya akan kehabisan kuota?†sebaliknya mereka seharusnya menikmati seberapa banyak data yang mereka perlu dan meneroka cara-cara baharu untuk memanfaatkan data tersebut,” kata beliau.
webe berusaha untuk membawakan pengalaman digital terbaik buat para pengguna. Pengalaman pelanggan direka untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan digital secara keseluruhan bermula dari pendaftaran di laman web sehingga ke penghantaran pek SIM. Bagi mereka yang mendapat jemputan, membeli pelan perkhidmatan ini adalah semudah melayari laman web dan anda akan menerima SIM anda pada hari berikutnya. Khidmat pelanggan juga boleh diperoleh secara atas talian selama 24 jam, tujuh hari seminggu.
Penawaran pelan perkhidmatan mobiliti webe kepada orang ramai akan menyusul tidak lama lagi dan akan diumumkan kelak. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai webe dan penawarannya, layari
Mengenai TM
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), Peneraju Perkhidmatan Berintegrasi dan Penyedia Perkhidmatan Komunikasi Berintegrasi No. 1 di Malaysia, menawarkan perkhidmatan dan penyelesaian komunikasi yang menyeluruh menerusi jalur lebar, data dan talian tetap. Sebagai peneraju pasaran, TM dipacu oleh penciptaan nilai pihak berkepentingan dalam persekitaran yang amat kompetitif. Kumpulan juga sentiasa memberi tumpuan kepada pengalaman pelanggan yang dipertingkatkan melalui usaha-usaha peningkatan kualiti dan inovasi khidmat pelanggan yang berterusan, sambil memfokus kepada peningkatan kecekapan operasi dan produktiviti.
Memanfaatkan sambungan global yang meluas, infrastruktur rangkaian dan himpunan kepakaran kami, TM berkedudukan baik untuk melonjakkan Malaysia sebagai hab Internet serantau dan gerbang digital bagi Asia Tenggara.
Sebagai warga korporat contoh yang komited terhadap tadbir urus dan ketelusan yang baik, TM meneruskan janjinya untuk memastikan tahap integriti proses, anggota dan reputasi kami serta kelestarian operasi kami. Falsafah Tanggungjawab Korporat (CR) kami berpegang teguh pada amalan bertanggungjawab dalam empat domain utama iaitu pasaran, tempat kerja, masyarakat dan alam sekitar. Dengan memfokus pada ICT, Kumpulan menyokong 3 platform utama iaitu pendidikan, pembinaan masyarakat/negara dan alam sekitar, menerusi program-program Reaching Out kami.
TM sentiasa bersedia untuk terus memberi perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan menerusi himpunan penawarannya yang komprehensif bagi membawakan pengalaman digital yang menyeluruh dan penyelesaian perniagaan yang bersepadu untuk memenuhi keperluan komunikasi perniagaan dan gaya hidup mereka – ke arah menjadikan “Hidup dan Perniagaan Lebih Mudah demi Kesejahteraan Malaysiaâ€.
Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai TM, layari
16 AUGUST 2016
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan TM
Yang Berusaha Azizi A Hadi,
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif webe
Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah dan barisan pengurusan TM
Wakil-wakil media,
Para tetamu yang dihormati
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh dan Salam 1Malaysia
1. Pertama sekali saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan kepada Kumpulan TM kerana mengundang saya ke majlis pelancaran sayap perkhidmatan mobiliti digital mereka, yang dikenali sebagai webe digital sdn bhd.
2. Bagi manfaat hadirin yang hadir, izinkan saya untuk meneruskan ucapan ini dalam Bahasa Inggeris bagi menghormati tetamu dari luar negara yang turut bersama kita pada pagi ini.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
3. I am delighted to be here today to officiate the launch of webe, a fresh new entrant in the mobile segment that I believe will change the industry landscape. Congratulations to TM for unveiling this innovative service, which provides more options to the people of Malaysia.
4. In Malaysia, the communications, multimedia and digital industry have served as the primary enabler for our economic development and growth in the last decade. And I am happy to note that Malaysians have been quick to embrace the digital lifestyle.
5. The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia have invested heavily in facilitating this transition to the digital lifestyle. This includes investing in initiatives from building the right digital platforms, to encouraging the development of content and digital tools via grants to developers. Meanwhile, we have launched initiatives to get businesses and entrepreneurs online to stimulate the economy, leveraging on digital.
6. All these requires the right infrastructure and ecosystem. With Malaysians increasingly relying on smartphones in their lives, an advance mobile telecommunications ecosystem becomes even more imperative.
7. Thus I am delighted & applaud TM’s Group move to build & upgrade its 4G LTE network offered via webe. Having TM Group in this space means that Malaysians now can get their connectivity and mobile data needs met by just one service provider, offering true convergence.
Ladies and gentlemen,
8. There is a need to be connected but also, for Malaysians to have the speed and capacity on their networks. People need more data, and as the data traffic gets larger, the challenge we face right now is in meeting the demand for data. Of course, data also has to be fairly priced, which is why I am pleased to note that webe provides a worry-free experience on their service, giving Malaysians access that is affordable.
9. Once Malaysians are free from the worry of data caps, quota and other limitations, then they can truly explore, enjoy and benefit from the Internet and the power of information and collaboration.
10. From a nation-building perspective, I am pleased to see how webe has realized the power & potential of people coming together through their webe community projects. Through this new crowd-backed digital platform, Malaysians can go online & support worthy causes that range from education, to health, to even improving the lives of the less fortunate. I understand that one of the projects, #webeatdengue, is using technology to counter the danger of dengue, and received over 50,000 pledges by Malaysians.
11. These initiatives via webe as a community platform are proof of the power of connecting people and creating an informed society for a good cause. I hope to see webe continue to spur more innovation and collaboration in the digital space.
12. With this, I am pleased to officially launch TM Group’s Mobility Centre of Excellence & Digital Mobility Services Provider, webe.
Thank you.
Sekian, Wabillahittaufiq Walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
YB Senator Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Salleh Said
Minister of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia
16 AUGUST 2016
Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Salleh Said
Menteri Komunikasi dan Mutimedia Malaysia
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan TM
Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah
Rakan-rakan media
Para tetamu yang dihormati
dan Barisan Pengurusan TM
Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera, Salam 1Malaysia dan Salam 1TM.
Pertamanya saya ingin mengucapkan selamat datang kepada semua, terutamanya kepada YB Senator Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Salleh Said, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia, yang sudi melapangkan masa untuk menghadiri majlis kita pada hari ini.
YB Senator Datuk Seri, izinkan saya meneruskan ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggeris bagi manfaat para tetamu dari luar negara yang turut bersama-sama kita pada pagi ini.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies & Gentlemen,
Thank you for taking the time out today to celebrate webe’s official launch with us.
Today is a significant milestone for webe as we embark on our journey proper as TM Group’s Centre of Excellence for mobility.
We began this journey 2 years ago with big ambitions amidst bigger challenges. As you all know, the telco industry is a highly competitive and saturated market. And if we had just done what everyone else is doing, competing on the same paradigm, we would be just another small fish in an overcrowded pond.
But that’s what we decided NOT to do. You may notice we call ourselves a digital mobility services provider – not a telco. This is because we see ourselves as fundamentally different. A telco will sell you a mobile service plan that is all about quota, speeds and coverage and try to get you to upgrade to the next best package.
For us, mobility and ‘being digital’ is all about embracing new behaviors. We dream big. So we went to the drawing board and ask ourselves – what do people use their mobile internet connection for?
Then we went around Malaysia and asked other Malaysians – what does mobility mean to you? What does digital technology mean to you? What is the important part about your mobile phone connection?
What we found out was that once you have a fast enough connection and reliability, the question wasn’t to get more speed – but to do more with the internet connection you have. This gave us an insight that Malaysians want to connect with each other and collaborate to make their dreams come true. Hence, we came up with our brand philosophy – ‘Start here. Go Anywhere’; which exemplifies the diversity of ways communities can come together to make things happen. Our webe community which was launched last April, empowers individual groups and members of the local community to band together in materializing their dreams, for the betterment of the society in general.
This is in fact well in line with TM Group’s vision of making Life & Business Easier, for a better Malaysia. We have a higher purpose than just to sell mobile internet service plans. We have the fundamental responsibility to ask: “how can we make Malaysian lives better and deliver a richer experience?â€
This is why we have only one plan, for now. It is that simple. One plan with worry-free data, worry-free voice calls and worry-free SMS. Loyal TM or webe (previously P1) customers can experience our service from as low as RM 79 for the primary line, after big rebates. It doesn’t stop there as further discounts are given for supplementary lines. What’s more important is that we do not even tie you to a contract, it is fully your choice to join us. Unbelievable? Believe it.
We call this: “Data Liberation.â€
webe is unique because we see your mobile service plan as just the start. So we want to give you the best – no worries about quota, no worries about running out of allocation, no worries about contracts even.
People must think we are crazy. But we hope you can see we are visionary. The battleground isn’t in the service – every service has gotten so good, plus we have domestic roaming agreements – that we found we could get nationwide coverage right from the start.
Instead, we want to give people a simple plan they can sign up for and not have to worry anymore – and open up their world to a digital lifestyle of possibilities. Watch movies everywhere, talk all day, or connect to social media all day long. Try out that new livestreaming app. Work from anywhere. Use services and stay connected all day.
That’s what webe is about. Do you really enjoy streaming a TV show if you’re worried about busting your data cap with 10 days left to go? We think it’s like how you can easily surf as much as you want on UniFi at home, and then as you step outside, you can do the same with webe.
This is how we add value to the TM Group and reinforce the Group’s position as Malaysia’s Convergence Champion. This is the converged experience we’re bringing to the table.
We’re also pushing the envelope of what “digital†means. From our perspective, digital is an entire experience that encompasses how we behave as an organization and how we engage with our customers. Inside, out.
For customers, we make signing up for a plan as easy as can be. Today, once they receive their invite, they can go to our website to sign up and have their SIM and even smartphones delivered the very next day.
Customer service is available 24/7 online and payment is auto-debited so that our customers, or we prefer referring them as ‘community-members’, can have a peace of mind and enjoy the webe experience seamlessly. And, we know some of you may wonder why we would highlight this, but you can cancel anytime as there are no contracts. We say this because we want you to see how friction free and seamless our experience is. Because we don’t believe in confining our relationship with customers based on a contract; if customers are happy with the experience that we deliver, they will have no reason to want to leave, and would stay in a relationship with us at their own will.
That’s the kind of experience we want to deliver outside. And inside, we are gearing our organization to deliver this because we believe “Digital†is a mindset. Digital inside and digital outside. We have a central digital location inside called the webe playroom where webees interact and collaborate everyday.
Every webee is given a top-of-the-line ‘productivity tool’ and given the same endless data we’re giving our customers. More than that, they are given the freedom and responsibility to do their job under very flexible working arrangements. We match our philosophy with our policies because we want webees to be living the experience everyday, so they can deliver it to our customers.
This experience of being digital both inside and out reflects how we’ve really taken on the challenge of being TM Group’s Centre of Excellence for Mobility in a different way. We’re not here to just recreate what other telcos have done, but to reimagine it.
The webe experience is real and we are redefining mobility. We can’t wait for you to join our service once public availability happens, later this year.
Thank you once again for taking the time to join us here today and we hope that you are ready to embrace the age of data liberation.
Sekian. Wabillahitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahumatullahi Wabarakatuh.
16 AUGUST 2016
Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Salleh Said
Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
Yang Berusaha Azizi A Hadi,
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif dan Pengarah Eksekutif webe digital sdn bhd
Para tetamu jemputan,
Rakan-rakan media,
Para hadirin yang dihormati sekalian.
Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera, Salam 1Malaysia dan Salam 1TM
Terlebih dahulu bagi pihak TM, saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada YB Senator Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Salleh Said, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia, kerana sudi melapangkan masa untuk menghadiri majlis kita pada hari ini.
YB Senator Datuk Seri, izinkan saya untuk meneruskan ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggeris bagi menghormati para tetamu dari luar negara yang bersama-sama kita pada pagi ini.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of TM, I would like to thank everyone present for being with us today as we launch webe – TM’s mobility arm. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank each party that has contributed to the development and growth of webe, to where it is today. My special thanks and appreciation to YB Senator Datuk Seri Salleh Said, his Ministry, MCMC and our partners for the relentless support over the years.
Today’s occasion is monumental for TM as with the inclusion of webe in our portfolio of products and services, we now cement our position as the nation’s Convergence Champion. With customers experience being our foremost priority, we constantly strive to provide innovative products and services that are relevant in today’s digital era.
With the addition of webe’s mobility services to our portfolio of services, together with our UniFi and HyppTV, customers can now experience a truly integrated digital lifestyle. Wherever our customers go, we will be there, ensuring a seamless digital experience.
webe is not just about services. It is a modern organization that was built with a higher purpose in mind – empowering people to do and achieve more. We hope to open up more possibilities beyond just connectivity, but to also the integration of collaborative community. Ultimately, as mentioned by my colleague, Azizi, CEO of webe; our purpose at TM is to make life and business easier, for a better Malaysia.
Distinguished guests, ladies & gentlemen,
TM has always prided ourselves as the strategic partner in nation-building. With that in mind, we believe that we can play an integral role in facilitating the country’s readiness as we usher into the fourth industry revolution, aptly known as Industry 4.0. With our vast array of products and services cutting across varied market segments, I am proud to say that now, with mobility solutions lead by webe, TM is even more poised to carry out this responsibility.
Of course, this can only happen with the support from everyone within the industry’s ecosystem. On that note, once again I would like to thank the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia Malaysia, Malaysian Commission of Multimedia and Communications, fellow partners and our customers for the belief and support rendered to us.
Bagi pihak TM, sekali lagi saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada YB Senator Datuk Seri Dr. Mohd Salleh Said serta para hadirin sekalian kerana meluangkan masa untuk bersama-sama dalam majlis penuh makna ini.
Sekian. Wabillahitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahumatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Tan Sri Zam Isa