ZALORA, Asia’s Online Fashion Destination, launched its biggest sale of the year on the 10 to 12 of December this year. Four loyal shoppers of were selected for the “Runaway with ZALORA on 12.12†at ZALORA’s Warehouse in Shah Alam, earlier today.
The patrons gathered at the ZALORA Warehouse at 10am today with Managing Director of ZALORA Malaysia, Giulio Xiloyannis, officiating the commencement of the “raceâ€. Each customer was given 90 seconds to enter ZALORA’s warehouse to grab as many shoes as they could; whatever they could take, they could keep.
Shop, Run and Grab Everything You Want at the ZALORA Warehouse’s Biggest Giveaway
“It was a pleasure to be able to reward our loyal customers during the festive season. It has been a great year for ZALORA Malaysia and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for the continuous support. In return, we wanted to give something back to our customers and give them an unforgettable memory of the end of 2014 and a start to a great year ahead,†said Xiloyannis.
Winner, Afrizal Adib Asmadi from Kajang, finished the race with over 30 pairs of shoes, ranging from brands such as ZALORA’s private labels, JAXON and Sidewalk, and other brands such as Nike, Converse, Aldo, VINCCI and many more.
“This was an innovative campaign that I did not expect from an e-commerce company,†said Asmadi. All four customers left the warehouse happy as each shopper managed to grab themselves over a year’s supply of shoes.
The 12.12 Online Fever campaign was launched on the 10th of December and will end today. Partnering with over 100 other major e-commerce players across Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, the 12.12 Online Fever campaign is the biggest cyber event of the year in the region. ZALORA gave customers savings across fashion, food, beauty, travel and more during this holiday season.