
Raya Sakan Fest 2015 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center

Raya Sakan Fest will be held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) this upcoming 26th until 28th of June 2015. This event is in conjunction with Ramadhan and Eid and will comprise of shopping fest gathering vendors of various merchandises and attracting citizens around the vicinity.

It willl estimate to gather the citizen around the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur and surrounding area and will attract a massive crowd who would not miss the opportunity of good deal to welcome the celebration of Eidul Fitr and opportunity to meet local celebrities like Nora Danish, Johan Raja Lawak and many more.

Raya Sakan

Written by Budiey

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L’Zzay Lancar Lagu Raya JOGET SELFIE RAYA

Sinopsis Drama Bersiri MENCARI LUQMANUL HAKIM Lakonan Norman Hakim