Datu Dr Sabariah Putit, Deputy State Secretary gave a stirring welcome note followed with a heartwarming speech by Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth & Sports Sarawak, YB Datuk Haji Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. The launch event witnessed the presence of state officials, arts and culture enthusiasts from all over the world, members of the Media and the who’s who of Kuching high-society.Hosted by Ministry of Tourism, Art, Culture, Youth & Sports Sarawak (MTACYS), RFF is being held as a prelude to the annual Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) with Joe Sidek Productions Sdn Bhd (JSPSB) as the appointed organisers.
A special RFF commission, Lembaran Emas: Songket and Keringkam of Sarawak is presented in conjunction with the launch. Held as the Opening Show, under the series ASAS MELAYU, the fashion show presents a unique display of Sarawak songket and keringkam, featuring regal designs by ‘Malaysia’s King of Fashion’ – Dato’ Sri Bernard Chandran, Sarawak’s own ‘Queen of Bornean Fashion’ – Dato’ Tom Abang Saufi and the exquisite Sarawak songket producer – Tanoti House. This showcase also features Sarawak’s emerging textile artisans – Manggees Collection, Tampan Keringkam, Keringkam Bahij and Seri Gedong Songket.
Two distinct interludes showcased Sarawak’s traditional Malay bridal wear notably known as “Gajah Olen†by Manggees Collection and “Tikar Nyunsong Pengantin†by Tampan Keringkam. The show is narrated by a prominent Sarawakian poet, Zach Manan of Studio Labu.Â

A prelude to the event includes a performance by Gamelan Sarawak Batu 12 and a tie-in panel exhibition of songket and keringkam at the lobby of the majestic building. The exhibition showcases the history, materials, techniques, processes and applications of the Sarawak songket and keringkam.
Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said, “RFF is the first of the three festivals under Sarawak Tourism Board’s (STB) newly launched campaign “3 Festivals 1 Destination†where Sarawak’s top 3 most anticipated music and cultural festivals are taking place back to back in the month of July.
As witnessed tonight, the festival programming will offer an experience of Sarawak through its history, nature and culture; presented in an extensive genre of events such as dance, theatre, talks, exhibitions, fashion and more.
These curated events will provide a platform for the enrichment and celebration of the tradition and culture of the Malay community in Sarawak, alongside other events of the Fringe which promotes and celebrates our cultural diversityâ€.
RFF 2019 will take place from 5 – 12 July 2019. For more information, visit www.rainforestfringe.com

About Rainforest Fringe Festival 2019
Taking place from 5 – 12 July 2019, the 3rd edition of Rainforest Fringe Festival (RFF), will showcase the very best of Sarawak’s music, art, craft, film, photography, food, and culture/heritage. Hosted by the Sarawak Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth & Sports, and in collaboration with the Sarawak Tourism Board, Rainforest Fringe Festival (RFF) is held as a prelude to the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF).
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