Salam semua pembaca yang budiman,
Bagi memeriahkan lagi acara Premiere With Budiey pada awal tahun 2016Â ini, ingin menjemput Budieyators semua bersama selebriti untuk menonton sebuah filem komedi yang pastinya korang akan gelak sakan menontonnya. Salah satu filem yang Budiey maksudkan ialah filem RIDE ALONG 2.
Filem ini merupakan filem hollywood terbaru yang disutradarai oleh Tim Story berdasarkan senario yang ditulis bersama dengan Phil Hay & Matt Manfredi. Filem ini juga turut dibintangi oleh aktor kelas A hollywod iaitu Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Ken Jeong, Benjamin Bratt, Olivia Munn. A Will Packer Productions / Cubevision memproduksi filem ini akan menayangkannya mulai 21 Januari 2016.
Sebelum apa-apa, Budiey mahu korang tonton trailer filem penuh dramatik gelak ketawa RIDE ALONG 2 di mana anda dapat menjadi penonton pertama menontonnya sebelum ianya dibawa ke pawagam. Beberapa orang selebriti dan influencers juga akan dijemput untuk memeriahkan tayangan ini.
Jika masih tertanya-tanya tentang filem ini, apa kata anda semua menonton trailer RIDE ALONG 2 yang telah diriliskan di dada Youtube saluran United International Pictures Malaysia.
Budiey kira, ramai yang super-duper excited nak tengok movie Hollywood yang dengan drama yang sungguh lawak ni.
Kepada yang tak berkesempatan menonton di tayangan premiere, apa kata korang nantikan sahaja filem ini yang akan berada di pawagam mulai 21 Januari 2016.
Untuk kalian yang menyukai filem komedi, pastinya filem ini sesuai untuk kalian semua.

Sinopsis Filem RIDE ALONG 2
ICE CUBE (22 Jump Street, Barbershop) and KEVIN HART (Get Hard, The Wedding Ringer) lead the returning lineup of Ride Along 2, the sequel to the blockbuster action-comedy that gave us the year’s most popular comedy duo.
In Ride Along, fast-talking security guard Ben Barber (Hart), newly accepted into the academy, joined James Payton (Cube)—a quick-tempered Atlanta Police Department detective—to patrol the streets of Atlanta. In an attempt to prove that he was more than just a video-game junkie, Ben tried to show his future brother-in-law that he deserved to marry James’ sister, Angela (TIKA SUMPTER of Tyler Perry’s A Madea Christmas, Get on Up). While on what was supposed to be a typical ride along, Ben became entangled in the detective’s latest case…and experienced the most insane 24 hours of his life.
Not only did their wild night lead them to the most notorious criminal in Atlanta, Ben played a key role in bringing down the crime lord…and made it that much more difficult for James not to give him his blessing to marry Angela.
The sequel picks up about a year after our heroes’ last adventure. Plans for a quick trip to Miami go awry when their unorthodox policing gets them into a compromising situation that threatens to derail a major case…and Ben and Angela’s upcoming wedding day.
Not content to work as a beat cop, Ben, a recent academy graduate, now aspires to be a detective like his soon-to-be brother-in-law. However, James still doesn’t think that he has what it takes for the job.
With the wedding approaching, the accident-prone rookie is laser-focused on planning but wants to join his mentor on what should be a routine trip from Atlanta to Miami. At Angela’s request—and Lt. Brooks’ (BRUCE MCGILL of Lincoln, Law Abiding Citizen) begrudging permission—James reluctantly takes Ben with him to Miami to follow up on a lead connected to a drug-ring case he’s been trying to crack.
Upon their arrival, they run afoul of Maya (OLIVIA MUNN of HBO’s The Newsroom, X-Men: Apocalypse), a crack-wise homicide detective with a no-b.s. exterior and sense of humor even drier than James. She has no problem going toe-to-toe with the guys, and lets them know that Miami is her turf.
The case also brings them to AJ (KEN JEONG of The Hangover series, Pain & Gain), a shady, cocky computer hacker who fancies himself a ladies’ man. AJ reluctantly becomes a third wheel for James and Ben when he reveals evidence that implicates a well-respected local businessman in a series of felonies.
Enter the incredibly wealthy Antonio Pope (BENJAMIN BRATT of Miss Congeniality, TV’s Law & Order), a charismatic executive who harbors a vicious streak and rules South Florida’s drug trade. If Ben and James can convince the authorities that the philanthropist is a brutal crime lord capable of unimaginable violence, they’ll stop his spree. If they fail, they’ll not only unleash every weapon in Antonio’s arsenal…they’ll have to explain to Angela why the wedding is missing both the groom and the best man.
TIM STORY (Barbershop, Think Like a Man series) returns to the series to direct the action-comedy that is written by PHIL HAY (Clash of the Titans) & MATT MANFREDI (Clash of the Titans), based on characters created by GREG COOLIDGE (Employee of the Month). WILL PACKER (Think Like a Man series, Ride Along) produces the sequel along with Ice Cube, MATT ALVAREZ (Straight Outta Compton, Ride Along) and LARRY BREZNER (Ride Along, Good Morning, Vietnam).
The behind-the-scenes team is led by a talented group of frequent Tim Story collaborators and those new to his crew.
They include director of photography MITCHELL AMUNDSEN (Horrible Bosses 2, Mission: Impossible III), production designer CHRIS CORNWELL (Think Like a Man series, Ride Along), editor PETER S. ELLIOT (Think Like a Man series, Iron Man 3), costume designer OLIVIA MILES (Entourage, Plush) and composer CHRISTOPHER LENNERTZ (Ride Along, The Boss).
Ride Along 2 is executive produced by NICOLAS STERN (Creed), RON MUHAMMAD (Straight Outta Compton), SCOTT BERNSTEIN (Straight Outta Compton), CHRIS BENDER (The Hangover) and JC SPINK (We’re the Millers).Â
Peraduan Tayangan Premiere Filem RIDE ALONG 2
Sensasi Selebriti ingin menghadiahkan 97 keping tiket untuk Budieyators / pembaca yang boleh menghadirkan diri di tayangan premiere yang cukup eksklusif ini. Acara ini akan diadakan pada:
20 Januari 2016 (Hari Rabu)
Masa Pendaftaran:
8.00 malam
Tayangan Filem:
9.30 malam
Anda ingin hadir? Senang sahaja. Anda hanya perlu menyertai peraduan ini dengan menjawab soalan mudah dan melengkapkan slogan dengan gaya yang paling kreatif.
Seorang pemenang akan mendapat 2 keping tiket untuk hadir di Tayangan Premiere RIDE ALONG 2– di GSC 1 UTAMA. Senang je, cipta slogan, tweet & FB kemudian hantar emel. Itu je. Mudah kan?
Ingat hashtag ini: #PremiereWithBudiey
Apa yang korang perlu buat ialah:
1.  ‘Like’ Facebook page Budiey Dot Com dan ‘Follow’ Twitter & Instagram Budiey: @Budiey
Sila klik butang LIKE entri ini, Google + & share di Facebook milik anda, jika anda mahu menyertai Tayangan Premiere ini dan komenlah apa pendapat anda tentang filem ini di ruangan komen berdasarkan trailer kat atas ni. Sila cari butang LIKE, butang Google + (g+) dan butang share Facebook di bawah tajuk entri ini. Jangan lupa LIKE Facebook ini: &
2. Sila cipta slogan kreatif anda dan hantar melalui emel bersama jawapan pada soalan di bawah. Selain itu, anda WAJIB juga Tweet slogan ini di Twitter.
Kepada yang ada Twitter, sila gunakan hashtag event ini iaitu #PremiereWithBudiey. Tweetkan slogan anda tidak lebih 140 huruf.
Slogan: @budiey Saya mahu hadir di #PremiereWithBudiey #RIDEALONG2 kerana…. (tidak lebih dari 100 huruf)
Jika anda tiada Twitter, boleh letak di Facebook. Tapi sebaik-baiknya di Twitter ya sebab senang Budiey nak reTweet dan baca.
3. Jawab soalan mudah ini:
1. Namakan dua orang pelakon utama filem RIDE ALONG 2
2. Sila emelkan jawapan & slogan anda:
Slogan: Saya mahu hadir di Tayangan Premiere RIDE ALONG 2 – Sensasi Selebriti kerana…. (tidak lebih dari 100 huruf)
Sertakan juga maklumat peribadi:
Alamat surat menyurat:
Nombor telefon:
Hantarkan jawapan anda kepada:
dengan tajuk email: Peraduan Tayangan Premiere RIDE ALONG 2 – Sensasi SelebritiÂ
Tarikh tutup peraduan:
18 Januari 2016
Pemenang akan dihubungi oleh Budiey melalui email & Twitter.
Peringatan: Sila tulis tajuk emel anda dengan betul ya. Kalau salah tajuk emel ni, nanti Budiey tak dapat kasi sebab takde dalam list carian kat emel. Orait?
Terima kasih kepada dan pembaca Sensasi Selebriti yang sentiasa memberikan sokongan. Bertemu lagi di peraduan dan kuiz yang akan datang.
Jangan lupa untuk menonton filem yang cukup mencuit hati ini mulai 21 Januari 2016.
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