vivo today uncovers the stunning colours that its latest V21 series smartphones will be housed in. The vivo V21 comes in two new hues, Dusk Blue and Sunset Dazzle, radiating glamour and sophistication for the modern-day user. Dusk Blue shade gives a mysterious appeal to the sleek V21 series smartphone, lending an air of sultriness, which is befitting of any user who exudes a similar aura of mystery. Meanwhile, the Sunset Dazzle has a more fun, upbeat appeal that screams summer, perfect for smartphone users who want to inject a little personality into their everyday staple accessory – their smartphone.
Meanwhile, the vivo V21e, with its 2.5D screen glass body design and furnished with a sleek AG matte finishing, comes in two shades of Roman Black and Diamond Flare. The Roman Black sports timeless and edgy Roman columns which are majestic and unique. The Diamond Flare is captivating in how it reflects the dazzling light and almost resembles a shining mini artwork – certainly an eye-catching addition to every fashionista’s lifestyle.
Both these vibrant shades of colour will allow any fashionista the opportunity to have the perfect matching accessory to their outfit of the day (OOTD), giving them the confidence to live out the show-stopping, trendsetter dreams that they have always set their eyes and heart upon.
The vivo V21 series are further accentuated by its industry-leading 44MP OIS front camera, and 64MP OIS rear camera which is engineered to be able to capture anything, near or far, with crisp clarity. Meanwhile, the V21 series is supplemented by the Superior Night-time selfie, which can counter any unintentional or unavoidable shakes, such as selfies taken mid-way through a heart-pounding roller coaster ride!
The vivo V21 series is equipped to capture high quality selfies even in dim conditions, thanks to its AI Night Portrait algorithm, which gives users the freedom to remain in the limelight all through the night. Besides allowing users the chance to be the life of every party, this feature ensures that night-time selfies are not compromised and will always stay on the clear side, each and every time.
vivo teases video of Mira Filzah’s first Raya with husband, Wan Emir Astar
In anticipation of the grand reveal of the vivo V21 series scheduled for 27th April, vivo has unveiled Mira Filzah as its ambassador for the latest smartphone under the V series. In the upcoming teaser to its V21 series television commercial by vivo, Mira and husband, Wan Emir Astar Wan Mohammad Khair-il Anuar can be seen spending their first Raya together as a married couple.
Raya is a time of reflection and spending time with loved ones and to rekindle relationships. Through the short preview clip, Mira was able to embody the true spirit of the V21 series, which is “Bring Me Closerâ€. As she enabled the vivo V21 series as a means to spend quality time with the ones who matter most to her, one selfie at a time, Mira is able to bring herself closer to them by capturing lasting memories. Stay tuned for the heart-warming teaser clip to the upcoming Raya television commercial by vivo on the 23rd April at our official Facebook page and Instagram page.
For the latest updates on the upcoming vivo V21 series, kindly visit vivo Malaysia’s official Facebook page, official Instagram pageand official Website.