Celebrity TV personality, Star Columnist and Wellness Author, Jojo Struys has gone digital with her positive messages. She has taken things to a whole new level by sharing her inspiring quotes through an application built in collaboration with Limkokwing University, that is tailored to your different moods!
There are 10 different mood categories to choose from and with one, simple click of a finger, a message matching your mood will show up, to help motivate you or instantly uplift your spirits. There are also messages and tips in the “romantic†category for those in a relationship or trying to maintain one. There is even a category called “Can’t Sleepâ€, for those with sleeping difficulties.
What makes this application so incredibly unique and personalized is that Jojo has turned every one of her handwritten messages and quotes into an audio clip. At any point in the day, you could hear her soothing voice to calm you down in traffic or to remind you to slow down if you’re feeling anxious or overworked. She spent multiple sessions in a recording booth last year to personally record these messages, so that she could share positive affirmations and quick tips on the go, to suit your mood of the moment.
About the Collaboration:
The collaboration between Jojo Struys and the specialist team led by Dato’ Lim Kok Wing Jr, Vice President of Systems Integration at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, turned out to be a seamless working relationship. Says Dato’ Lim Kok Wing Jr, “Collaborating with Jojo Struys was easy. She’s like your friendly health guru and advisor, all rolled into one. She was also the first artist we met with the foresight and passion I felt was required to attempt something new. When I proposed the idea of developing a dedicated app for her as a direct channel for her content to reach her international audience and fans, she had the clarity to see the value in it. It enabled her to both provide free and premium materials directly without the limitations inherent in traditional media. This enabled us to plan, design and then develop an app neither one of us had seen before.â€
Jojo has spent almost a year writing original content for her app and she worked closely with Dato’ Lim Kok Wing Jr and his team, “From the first meeting I had with Dato’ Tim, great ideas just flowed and we got really excited about building this mood app. In any working relationship, two people need to be on the same page and share the same vision. I was very fortunate to have been in complete sync with the team because we wanted to create something so simple, yet personalized and meaningful. I truly hope these messages I’ve written from the heart will add value to people’s busy lives and have far reaching effects on people’s moods.â€
About the Technology (CCC):
The Centre for Content Creation is an award winning subsidiary company of Limkokwing University. It was setup in 2001 by Limkokwing University founder Tan Sri Dr Lim Kok Wing originally as an incubation centre for students and alumni. It is responsible for all audio visual and digital media production work used by the university and international clients such as governments. It has evolved into a digital think tank with the in-house capability to develop and deploy unique solutions for the university and its clients.
“Limkokwing University has always pioneered the emphasis on creativity and innovation and it is this dedication to the arts that largely sparked my interest in collaborating with an artist as passionate as Jojoâ€, says Dato’ Lim Kok Wing Jr, Vice President of Systems Integration at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.