Brad Meltzer’s Decoded (New Series)
Premieres every Thursday 9pm, 10 March 2011
Even the most common, ordinary objects in the modern world and history may contain secret messages, steeped in codes and symbols. These mysterious ideas and theories come directly from the mind of best-selling author Brad Meltzer, who uncovered them during his research for his fictional thrillers. In each episode, Brad poses these questions to a group of elite researchers, who will travel far and wide to examine the clues and decode the hidden meaning behind these seemingly innocuous origins. They will canvas the darkest reaches of the world to connect dots toward revealing a deeper truth.
The White House, 10 March
Brad Meltzer’s Decoded reveals that the most common things in the modern world and history may contain secret messages. This character-based series will feature a symbologist — a real “Dr. Robert Langdon” from Da Vinci Code — who each week will immerse himself in decoding the true meaning behind a particular item. This character will travel far and wide to cities, into buildings, underground and wherever else necessary, to examine clues about one item and successfully decode the hidden meaning behind its seemingly innocuous origins. Working alone, and sometimes with others, he will canvas the darkest reaches of the U.S. and beyond to connect dots toward revealing a deeper truth.
Secret Presidential Codes, 17 March
Brad Meltzer’s Decoded reveals that the most common things in the modern world and history may contain secret messages. This character-based series will feature a symbologist — a real “Dr. Robert Langdon” from Da Vinci Code — who each week will immerse himself in decoding the true meaning behind a particular item. This character will travel far and wide to cities, into buildings, underground and wherever else necessary, to examine clues about one item and successfully decode the hidden meaning behind its seemingly innocuous origins. Working alone, and sometimes with others, he will canvas the darkest reaches of the U.S. and beyond to connect dots toward revealing a deeper truth.
Statue of Liberty, 24 March
Brad Meltzer’s Decoded reveals that the most common things in the modern world and history may contain secret messages. This character-based series will feature a symbologist — a real “Dr. Robert Langdon” from Da Vinci Code — who each week will immerse himself in decoding the true meaning behind a particular item. This character will travel far and wide to cities, into buildings, underground and wherever else necessary, to examine clues about one item and successfully decode the hidden meaning behind its seemingly innocuous origins. Working alone, and sometimes with others, he will canvas the darkest reaches of the U.S. and beyond to connect dots toward revealing a deeper truth.
The Lincoln Assasination, 31 March
Brad Meltzer’s Decoded reveals that the most common things in the modern world and history may contain secret messages. This character-based series will feature a symbologist — a real “Dr. Robert Langdon” from Da Vinci Code — who each week will immerse himself in decoding the true meaning behind a particular item. This character will travel far and wide to cities, into buildings, underground and wherever else necessary, to examine clues about one item and successfully decode the hidden meaning behind its seemingly innocuous origins. Working alone, and sometimes with others, he will canvas the darkest reaches of the U.S. and beyond to connect dots toward revealing a deeper truth.
This program is available in Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese subtitles.