
Aside Format Post

This is an aside format post, it basically only leaves out the title from the default format. You can still access the single page by clicking on the thumbnail or comment bubble. This format could be useful when you don’t want a title, just text.

You can choose between the following templates for every single post: Default (with post/sidebar), Full Width (no sidebar at all) and Full Width Post Format (only expands post format at the top, includes sidebar below).

Written by Budiey

Penggemar filem seram yang obses dengan gajet & teknologi terkini dan masih tegar menjadi pengendali portal hiburan & gaya hidup sejak tahun 2007. Kini aktif menjadi Youtuber & Podcaster yang menemubual selebriti dalam BORAK SINI HABIS SINI dan menerbitkan program BULETIN VIRAL di Budiey Channel.

Standard Format Post

Pelancaran Anugerah Pereka Dalaman InteriCAD Antarabangsa IIDA Ke-8