OMGFest Vantures bakal mengumpulkan penggemar vape dengan menganjurkan VAPEFEST – #VAPE4CHARITY selama dua hari iaitu pada 17 dan 18 Oktober 2015 di Shah Alam Convention Centre SACC, Shah Alam. Pesta dan pameran vape ini juga turut mendapat sambutan daripada pengedar dan penjual vape seluruh Malaysia. Bermula jam 10 pagi hingga 10 malam, penganjuran ini dimeriahkan lagi dengan pelbagai aktiviti menarik sepanjang hari.
Mungkin ramai di antara kita yang tertanya-tanya, apa motif sebenar penganjuran ini. Jawapan ada di bawah ini. Dipetik daripada kertas kerja proposal penganjuran VAPE FEST 2015:
When we plan to organise this event is only to panetrate into a new type of community as what we have done previously.
The main reason why we chose e-cigarrete as our event is actually to upscale the vape-community and environment from selling it like a bazar/â€pasar-malam†to a proper exhibitions where we provide proper exhibitions booths, huge marketing promos and helping our entrepenuers to move a head in their business. This is also improving their market target from small scale to bigger.
Apart from that, we want to bring awareness to all community regardless you’re vapers or not. We want to educate all about what is VAPE like the “DO†and “DON’T†when using vape in public, what to prevent and so on. This is helping the community as well to give a good example about what is all VAPE about.
Its mixture of awareness of what is vape, how it help entrepreneurs to build the career in business, networking & connections and the most important thing how vape help in improving better health. We even will be arranging a panel discussion session during the event in other to get ideas and share knowledge about vape to the environment. So the crowds that come not only enjoying a good bargain from our vendors but also gain knowledge and can share with others.
We also want to have a purpose when organise this event. Its not all about selling and buying, but its also about charity. We will be charging entrance fee of RM3 where 50% from the tix selling will be directly given to our selected charity house – Rumah Anak Yatim Pusat Jagaan Budaya Harapan and also Tabung GAZA under YMC.
Not only that, 5% from our merchandise sales, also will be allocated to charity as well.We will have a big box allocate d during the event for everyone to chip-in donations. We will anounce every 2 hours on the big screen at the hall on total collected donation have been made.
Semoga event ini berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses dengan mengumpulkan ramai penggemar vape di seluruh dunia!