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Fenomena Suri Hati Mr Pilot & Penangan Lofattah Menghiasi Kalendar 2016 

Seperti yang kita tahu drama SURI HATI MR PILOT pernah menjadi bualan ramai sebelum ni. Rata-rata pengikut dan peminat cerita Melayu merasa teruja dengan gandingan Fattah Amin & Neelofa yang dikatakan sepadan dan serasi.

Budiey perhatikan di sosial media kebanyakan pengikut drama SHMP ini masih tak boleh ‘move on’ walaupun drama ini sudah berakhir dua bulan yang lepas.

Apa yang lebih dahsyat lagi, dengarnya peminat Korean Drama dan KPop pun beralih mengikuti drama ini, golongan profesional juga antara yang mengikutinya.

Mungkinkah gandingan Fattah Amin & Neelofa yang juga dipanggil Lofattah ini penyebabnya. Maklumlah sebelum shooting drama SHMP masing-masing single dan selepas drama ni pun berkawan baik. Mungkin disebabkan keselesaan berkawan tu menerbitkan ‘chemistry’ dalam watak Ejaz Fakhri & Warda Erina sebagai suami isteri.


Pasangan Lofattah yang juga nampak sweet di ‘offscreen’ ini sempat mengadakan Meet & Greet di Kuala Lumpur, Singapura, Sabah dan Brunei. Tak disangka-sangka sambutan dari peminat di luar jangkaan. Tahniah Michael Ang & Production Team kerana berjaya mengandingkan Lofattah sehingga mencetuskan fenomena. Semoga terus berjaya dengan karya-karya yang lain di masa akan datang.

Tapi dengarnya Michael Ang akan menggandingkan lagi sekali Fattah Amin & Neelofa untuk drama yang lain pada tahun depan. Sudah tentu berita gembira buat pengikut SHMP & peminat Lofattah. Ramai yang suka & sayang dengan pasangan ini, rata-rata peminatnya dari seluruh dunia termasuklah rakyat Malaysia di luar negara. Diharapnya menjadi kenyataan lah untuk melihat gandingan Lofattah ini lagi sekali di layar skrin nanti. Doa kan yang terbaik untuk mereka ya.


Dan ini antara pandangan serta pendapat dari pengikut Lofattah di sosial media:

1. “Kisah Lofattah ini ibarat satu kisah perjalanan tentang dua orang yang baru bermula, dua orang yang tidak mencari akan tetapi telah ditemukan. Though Suri Hati Mr Pilot has ended almost 2 months ago, the drama has left a significant impact on the audiences across all demographics statistics and the impact was bizarre and it still is! Many were first time audiences of Malay drama series and that is a good sign to the industry. I believe this is all due to Allah’s decreed and it is something that are being thanked both by Noor Neelofa & Fattah Amin themselves. But reading on some fiascos of late, be it on the social media or in the electronic media itself, one could not help but to feel sad about the slanders that many irresponsible keyboard warriors have thrown about kisah Lofattah. Some statements were misintrepreted and some words were twisted. But I have faith in Allah that this is a test for both Noor Neelofa and Fattah Amin. They are both strong enough to endure this tests and many more in their future undertakings. Whether there is still LoFattah or not, it is for Neelofa and Fattah to know as they know better that Allah won’t challenge His servants beyond their capabilities and for us hopeful fans to find out and to ‘doa yang baik baik’.. Fattah has spoken in his recent ig post that whatever slanders being thrown to him and Neelofa won’t bring them down. They will weather the storm together. The future lies ahead belongs to Allah SWT. But Neelofa and Fattah must not forget to treasure today as there is a reason why it is called present; it is really a gift from Allah to Lofattah. Many are praying for their happiness and many more are wishing that they won’t get affected with the misconstrued articles on the media. Semoga mereka berdua adalah kiriman Tuhan for each other untuk saling melengkapi dan menyayangi serta membahagiakan sesama mereka. Andai itu bukan takdirnya, Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik buat mereka. Indeed Allah is The Best Planner.”

2. “Mcm ni la, kita lebih senang nampak kelemahan seseorang tu bila when that person is living under the spotlight compare to normal person. People justification is actually depends on how they see tht person, as a celebrity yg sentiasa nmpak perfect on screen or as a normal human being (biarpun siapa mereka still ada kelemahan). As for me, i choose to see them as normal human being yang xperfect. Be lofa or fattah, they both actually have done the best to please their fans n reporters. But now back as being a normal human being, lofattah should not let the current environment masuk campur atas apa juga apa yang ada di antara mereka. Sayang if faktor luaran yg merosakkan apa yg mereka ada, be it just as good friends or more than that. And i think at least once fans, haters, reporters, please let them have their space as normal human settle whatever they are going through now. I still believe they are more than happy because they have the chance to saling mengenali sbb they both looked sooo much happier berseri bersinar than before whch comes naturally n they x sedar. Soo sayang pressure yg tah apa2 around them kills what they have now. I just take them as another two imperfect human, likecall of us. And true love always comes from 2 imperfect people who never EASILY give up on each other. And please tell them they dont owe us the truest lofattah fans anymore explaination. We the underground fans(i believe group yang paling banyak) will always pray the best for both of them and love them sooo much!”

Dalam pada itu, Dipetik dari astrogempak, PENANGAN hebat drama bersiri Suri Hati Mr.Pilot telah menjadikan ia tersenarai sebagai drama Melayu paling trending nombor satu di enjin carian Google Malaysia pada tahun 2016…Tahniahhh!!!Berjumpa nanti di Kalendar 2017.


Gambar kredit dari Instagram Neelofa dan Fattah Amin.

Written by Budiey

Penggemar filem seram yang obses dengan gajet & teknologi terkini dan masih tegar menjadi pengendali portal hiburan & gaya hidup sejak tahun 2007. Kini aktif menjadi Youtuber & Podcaster yang menemubual selebriti dalam BORAK SINI HABIS SINI dan menerbitkan program BULETIN VIRAL di Budiey Channel.

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