Sepertimana yang Budiey khabarkan sebelum ini, program realiti The Biggest Loser Asia musim kedua akan menemui penonton dengan peserta yang baru pada 21 September 2010 ini di saluran DIva Universal jam 9 malam.
Dengarnya, jumlah peserta ujibakat meningkat untuk musim kedua. Mungkin ramai yang telah sedar bahawa program realiti TV yang penuh dengan drama untuk menguruskan badan ini berjaya terhasil. Lihat sahaja juara dan finalis musim lalu yang telah kekal langsing. Juara David Gurnani yang dah lupuskan berat badan sebanyak 83kg dan berjaya membawa pulang USD100,000 dan sebuah kereta. Tapi ada peserta dari Malaysia yang kini makin berisi badannya. Biasalah, Malaysia kan kaya dengan makanan. Tambahan pula di bulan Ramadan ini, banyak sekali makanan lazat juadah berbuka dijual di Bazar Ramadan.
Kalau sebelum ini, Budiey ada khabarkan hos baru The Biggest Loser Asia musim kedua ini diberi mandat kepada hos baru iaitu Marion Caunter. Dan kini, Budiey mahu mendedahkan pula siapa peserta yang akan berlumba-lumba menguruskan badan mereka.
Nah, sekarang Budiey dedahkan 16 finalis untuk The Biggest Loser Asia 2 dimulakan dengan 3 orang peserta dari Malaysia iaitu…

Age: 24
Weight: 145.5 kg
Loud and bubbly
Loves to dance 2nd audition
Critical and judgmental
Target weight loss 70 kg
Age: 23
Weight: 180 kg
Ambitious and arrogant
Competitive and hard working
Did extra push ups to impress the trainers during audition
Target weight loss 105kg
Age : 29
Weight : 110.6 kg
Engineer for oil company
So paranoid about her size that she prefers to stay home
Went to university in the UK, well spoken
Target weight loss 45 kg
Age: 31
Weight: 123 kg
Loud, bubbly, and confident Qualified respiratory therapist
Has not worked as she has been nursing her sick grandparents who died early this year
Target weight loss 60 kg
Family history of death from obesity
Age: 34
Weight: 161 kg
Loud, confident, and very talkative
Owns an internet cafe and spends long hours playing ‘World of Warcraft’ (role playing game)
Feels like a monster and wants to lose weight to find love
Target weight loss 75 kg
Age: 24
Weight: 127.5 kg
Nikki’s (from season 1) Sister
Unofficial spokesperson for big girls are beautiful
Turned down season 1 due to study commitments studying Journalism/Public Relations
‘Kung Fu Panda’
Age: 34
Weight: 189.6 kg
2nd Audition
Photographer and exporter of electronics
Travels a lot and his size causes him issues and embarrassment on planes and public transport
Target weight loss 100 kg
Confident and friendly
Age: 26
Weight: 96 kg
Wants to be an air hostess but cannot due to her size
Enthusiastic and passionate Target weight loss 40 kg
History of obesity and death caused by obesity in her family
Age: 25
Weight: 142.2 kg
2nd Audition
Works 2 jobs
Already in Lose Big programme
Funny and quirky character
Was addicted to computer gaming (world of warcraft)
Age: 30
Weight: 160 kg
Suffered from childhood obesity
American who has lived in Indo for 4 years
Indonesian wife
Fiery, competitive, and over confident
Wants to lose weight for his kids Target weight loss 60 kg
Age: 36
Weight: 170.5 kg
Determined to win
Recovered heroin addict
Clean for 5 years
Very entertaining
Age: 30
Weight: 137.3 kg
Lived in America for 10 years
Great speaker
Energetic and cocky character
Target weight loss 50 kg
Age: 28
Weight: 99kg
EnglishTeacher (sometimes onTV teaching english)
Bubbly, happy personality Enter tainer/Educator
Wants to lose weight because it is severely affecting her health and she is constantly breathless
Age: 26
Weight: 136.3 kg
Bubbly, well spoken
His Father died from obesity related causes
Can do some basic Muay Thai moves
Lived in Australia
Age: 27
Weight: 190.5 kg
Secretary and undergrad student
Wants to lose weight to find love
Target weight loss 100 kg
Afraid to sit on the floor in case she can’t stand up
Sincere, light hearted and positive
Age: 43
Weight: 115.2 kg
American Ex Pat
Sassy forthright attitude
Caterer/Chef/Event Planner
Owns cooking studio, organic cupcake, and pizza delivery services
Small TV appearances on Bloomberg/CNN (cooking segments)